Welcome to my life

I am PROUD to share my life, experience and love with others in hope to inspire them to do the same.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

" I DO"!!!!!

3 years ago today I married my best friend and love of my life! My wedding day was such a magical day. I found the perfect dress that made me feel on top of the world. I was able to have almost all of my family and friends there to celebrate my perfect day. Everything looked beautiful, My Uncle Chris had the reception hall looking amazing! (his website http://progressiveevents.com/) We had great food and music! It really was the best day!

Shane and I go WAY back. I know have known him almost my entire life, at least the parts I remember. I met him in Jr High at a YMCA dance. I asked him to be my "boyfriend" that next Monday with a check yes/no note that my Friend Angie helped me deliver. I am pretty sure I just chucked the note at him and ran off. He of course checked YES and chucked the note back at me. Little did I know then that would be the man I would marry.

We shared our first kiss together, and I had to teach him how to do it. Little did I know then I was teaching the man I would marry how to kiss me for the rest of my life!! My family moved to a smaller town about 30 miles away and of course to kids who cannot drive it might as well been different states. I wrote him a dear john letter to Whitney Houston's song I will always love you breaking things off.

We stayed friends and reconnected when we were 16, 18, 20 and then I moved to Arizona to be with him when I was 23. We both knew by that point we had something really special and worth risking our friendship to see if was something more. We have never looked back and it has been the greatest time.

In the 3 years we have been married we have moved 6 times, 3 states, 2 kids, 2 miscarriages, bought a house and lost Julie his mom. It has been a whirlwind 3 years but I would not want to go through any of it without him!

I am so blessed and really lucky to have found my Mr. Right!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awe, happy anniversary! Also, your wedding ring is beautiful!
