Welcome to my life

I am PROUD to share my life, experience and love with others in hope to inspire them to do the same.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wonder Woman

Why is it as Mom and Women we have to be a jack of all trades. We have to be able to be soft and affectionate for our husbands and kids, Hard and mechanical to be able to teach and discipline our kids (and sometimes husbands LOL), Smart, Sensitive, a good listener, a coach, a cheerleader, a nurse, a cook, a maid, and a handyman all rolled into one.

What the crazy part is we are made to be this way. Nature knew that Women had to be everything to everyone so we were made to be that way. We are programed to multi-task. I can play two totally different games with each boy and not skip a beat. Shane on the other  hand would not be able to do this and not because he doesn't want to but because he cannot. Men's brains are not programed to multi-task like Women are.

I learned in a Bio college course that Women's brains have a bigger Hypothalamus which is our multitask "organ". The hypothalamus connects the left and the right brain and the bigger the hypothalamus the more multitasking you can do.

The human body is so amazing, to me it is hard to believe that all of this is because of nature. It  makes me believe there is more to life than just random acts and it all has a purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!!! Also, I'm glad you're back to blogging. Women are amazing, you are amazing!
