Welcome to my life

I am PROUD to share my life, experience and love with others in hope to inspire them to do the same.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Things I never want to forget

I have not done one of these in a while so I thought I would update the list to the things I want to remember. These blogs have taken a different meaning lately because Shane and I have decided we are done having kids. We may look into adoption or Foster care down the road but for now we are done with babies. It is bittersweet. Exciting to be moving on to the next stage of our lives and sad the baby stage is ending, I always loved being pregnant. So I think doing these type of blog posts will help me remember all the fun baby things.

1. I never want to forget the sound a diaper makes on a moving babies bum.
2. I never want to forget how soft baby skin and hair are.
3. I never want to forget the way by boys look at each other (they are totally in love).
4. I never want to forget how sweet it is to hear Tristen say new words.
5. I never want to forget how excited Connor gets when he does something new.
6. I never want to forget how sweet fish kisses are.
7. I never want to forget how sweet it sounds when Tristen says sorry.
8.  I never want to forget how peaceful a sleeping baby looks.

It is truly amazing how fast babies grow up. To me it just seems like Tristen was born, and now he is 2 and a little boy. It can be hard in the daily routine to take time and really treasure those moments but when I look into those boys smiling faces it freeze time for just a moment and in those precious moments i say my thanks for my blessed life.

1 comment:

  1. I came across your blog just searching your blog name. After reading some of your entries I have become so inspired. Please come back to continue your stories!
